The Historic Sherry-Butt House
Memorial Day weekend through Labor Day weekend
Open: 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Sat. & Sun.
Admission of $5. Free for children under age 9.
Also open by appointment - call: (608) 637-7396
A Strawberry Shortcake Ice Cream Social is held annually on the lawn on the 4th of July.

Lt. Col. Cyrus M. Butt built one of Viroqua's oldest homes in the Federal style in 1870, after his valiant service in the Civil War. He and his wife, Margaret (McAuley), raised their five children in this home and left it to their daughter, Jane. Many original pieces remain with the house, including a Rococo square grand piano. Many of the Colonel's Civil War artifacts are also on display. Lt. Col. Butt went on to distinguish himself in his law practice and public service. Lt. Col. Butt was a progressive thinker and a step ahead of his time.
Orbec and Hilda Sherry purchased this house from Jane Butt in 1947, furnishings intact. Orbec Sherry was well known for the breeding of the famous Brown Swiss cow, Jane of Vernon, "Queen Mother" of the breed, and for his international cattle trading.
Jane of Vernon pictured at the age of 11
Hilda Sherry was active in many community organizations such as church, 4-H, and local theater productions. She also enjoyed being hostess and entertaining in her home the many international business associates of her husband.
Upon Mr. Sherry's death in 1988, the Vernon County Historical Society purchased the home and its furnishings.