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100 Years Ago

Life in Viroqua from the Vernon County Censor:


JULY 23 1924

On account of so many band boys being out of town, with the National Guard, and on vacation, it did not look very promising for a concert, but the old boys rolled to the call and about thirty-five musicians from the school and city bands, presented a very pleasing program in the park last Friday night.

Monday morning, abut nine o’clock, fire broke out in the rear of the J.O. Hanson & Son store, from an unknown source. The fire truck made a phenomenal response to the alarm, being in front of the store before the alarm had died away. The flames were quickly subdued, and with very little damage to the building, but between fire, and smoke and water, the stock of the Cash Store is at least an eighty per cent loss...

Webb Schultz, pitcher, a member of the Copper Sox baseball team of Houghton, in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan League, has accepted an offer from the Chicago White Sox team of the American league to join that club next spring... Webb pitched for the famous Viroqua team the season of 1921.

Westby, July 21 – The farmers of the community were guests of the Kiwanis Club last Sunday, when they took a booster trip through the county.

Readstown, July 21 – Ruby, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Grim of Sylvan, gave her parents a bad scare last Wednesday. They had been using arsenate of lead or [sic] poisoning potato bugs and left the spoon...on the table. The child...ate what was left on it. She was immediately brought to Readstown and an antidote administered by Dr. Pierson. The child is apparently suffering no ill effects from her experience.


JULY 16, 1924

Tuesday evening, at the Fair Grounds, one of the national lecturers of the (Ku Klux) Klan addressed an audience of about 300 people. The members of the local Klan were there in uniform, and a large class was initiated after the lecture. Two fiery crosses were burned, and the thirty-foot electric cross which glowed during the entire ceremony was an inspiring sight.

C.J. Kuebler & son, Kenneth, have sold an interest in their tire business to Stanly Solverson. The new firm has purchased the Western Tire Station, and Kuebler business has been removed to the new location across from Clark’s garage, where they will continue to handle the popular Delco light plants and retail and repair tires and tubes.


I will receive bids for painting the interior of DeSoto school house the contractor to furnish labor and material and complete job by August 20, 1924. All bids to be in by July 26, 1924. D. ADAMS, School Clerk.

The annual school meeting for the Viroqua district was held in the auditorium of the new high school building last Monday evening. There was a large attendance...

Fresh milk, 8¢ a quart, delivered. East Side Dairy, Melvin Solberg, Prop. Telephone 16R4.

Frank Potts and Harry Lake went to Rantoul, Illinois, on Sunday, where they took the cadet air service examination. Twenty young men took the examination, seven of them passing – and we are glad to learn that both of our boys were among the seven.

The local band will give a popular concert Friday night at the Park.

