100 Years Ago
Life in Viroqua from the Vernon County Censor:
OCT. 1, 1924
After several close shaves during the past three weeks, Vernon county was finally visited with a killing frost Monday night. Indeed it was a freeze – ice forming a quarter of an inch thick in some places... Vernon farmers have been having goose flesh and chills over the seed corn situation, but thanks be to the weather man in holding off long enough so that there is no need to worry over seed for next year... Frost two weeks ago would have been a calamity, so we have much to be thankful for.
Retreat community is in for a big time on next Wednesday October 8th, the occasion being the fifth annual Retreat Community Fair.
Readstown, September 29 – The post office building is being repaired by new siding eing [sic] put on and a new wall built... Postmaster M.V. Frazier has been notified by the Fourth Assistant Postmaster General that a portion of route 2 from this office has been discontinued on account of failure to keep this road in passable condition... C.V. Fitch has purchased a five-tube Inter-State radio... Frosts visited the ridges in this vicinity last Sunday night but the fog in the valley prevented any damage there.
The Beginners’ Band has started with a good membership and there will be three rehearsals this week. All boys wishing to join must enroll at once. See Otto Brown for particulars.
Friday, Saturday and Monday we are selling three pounds of cocoa for 25¢ while it lasts. Oh yes, we deliver. J.P. Vigdahl.
Westby, September 29 – The concrete work on the new high school building is finished and several cars of brick have arrived, together with a big force of brick layers from LaCrosse, who will be busy on the job.