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100 Years Ago

Life in Viroqua from the Vernon County Censor:


JAN. 21, 1925

L.C. Boyle is remodeling his building, which has housed the Viroqua postoffice for the past forty years. A new floor and entire new front is being installed. Following the renovation of the building it will be occupied by the Sorum Coffee Shop.

Our Annual Clearance Sale of Shoes is now on, and we will continue till March 1, to make room for our Spring line. A discount from 5 to 50% will be given. LIND & THUREEN.


At last the pay is here. But it was not such a long wait as one or two times before. The pay roll was only in two weeks before we received our money. Maintaining a company of sixty-five men in Viroqua is not as hard as one would think.

Readstown, January 19 – A vaccination order embracing all teachers and pupils was issued. Village Dr. P.R. Pierson doing the vaccinating at the school house last Thursday afternoon... Electric lights have been installed in the primary and intermediate rooms of our schools... Members of the fire company were called to the home of Mrs. Etta Snider, last Tuesday morning. It was found to be a bad chimney fire.

Viola, January 19 – Some more trouble again with the village water supply. No school held last Monday owing to the fact that there was no water for the boilers of the heating plant at the school house... The annual ice harvest is in full swing and some fine ice from 19 to 20 inches thick is being stored for next summer’s use.

Mason City, January 20 – The weather is fine and the roads are in good condition... A few farmers around here have finished tobacco stripping while others are still at the job.


JAN. 14, 1925

The Pleasant Ridge Telephone Company held their annual meeting on January 6, at the home of Chris Welch. A goodly number of shareholders were in attendance... Tom Moseng and Aleda Quale are among the radio fans who have recently enjoyed programs at the Patterson house.

Ferryville, January 5 – John Page has started up his saw rig again after the cold weather vacation... Our rural carrier has been unable to go out on his route this week. Arnold Burkum and Arthur Lawrence took his place...

Viola, January 11 – The breaking of a water pipe leading from the reservoir on Mt. Sheldon, the source of the water supply for the village caused a great deal of inconvenience on Monday. School had to be dismissed for the day, and then, too, Monday is wish [sic] day... The pupils and teachers took advantage of the enforced holiday, Monday, and visited schools along the line, taking the 10 a.m. train and returning home on the evening “express”.


Don’t misuse your horses this cold weather. The limit of time for leaving your horses outside while trading is three hours, and then they must be blanketed. This is a state order and must be enforced by city officials. So see that your teams are well-blanketed while standing outside, and three hours is the time limit. WM. CRUMB, Police Officer.

Otto Otteson and John Jackson drove in yesterday from Rock Falls, Illinois, with Otto’s new hearse. The new vehicle takes the place of the badly damaged by fire several weeks ago and is an altogether better and different type of funeral car, black instead of white, and moulded on the lines of a very large sedan with but a little hint of the conventional hearse about it.


JAN. 7, 1925

It is all the fashion in Viroqua these days to get your mail several times a day. The new postoffice in the Odd Fellow building is surely a model of neatness and modernness well befitting a city of our size. The lobby is beautiful and commodious, and behind the scenes are to be found all manner of equipment for the convenience of the clerks and rural carriers.

All owners of motor vehicles are hereby notified that they must secure their licenses not later than January 15. After that date cars must carry license plates or the owner must produce receipt from secretary of state. My orders are to prosecute all violators. W.M.CRUMB, Police Officer.

Very little change or ceremony marked the change of Vernon County officers with the coming of the new year. The retirement of Sheriff Alex Skolos and the taking up of the duties of that office by Sheriff T.C. Knudson is the only local change.

DeSoto, January 5 – Folks, get your costumes ready and watch for date of masquerade dance to be held in the DeSoto hall soon. The proceeds will be used to build a kitchen and other conveniences in our little tourist park. The park must be better equipped at once, so we can get the camp on the map next summer.


Dear Parents:

We appreciate the attitude you have taken regarding the vaccination of your children. A goodly number have been vaccinated and others are continuing to make appointments. This shows to us again the manner in which you are willing to co-operate regarding contagious diseases... [County Nurse].

We still have a few sheepskin lined coats in stock. Get yours new [sic]. Swenson & Thompson, The Farmers Store.


December, 2024